
With hundreds of treatments, products and skincare regimes on the market, it’s easy to feel nervous and overwhelmed. When it comes to injectables, anti-wrinkle injections and dermal filler have traditionally been the go-to for those seeking a smoother, more supple appearance. But in fact, many treatments – including Sunekos – are filling the gaps in […]

We reveal what the most common skin care acids are all about. Pick up a skincare product and the label will likely focus on a key ingredient that gives that product its superpowers. In this blog we’re going to run through the properties of a few of the most common skincare acids and explain what […]

The daily costs of controlling acne prone skin with ZO Skin Health. This blog will breakdown the cost of bringing acne prone skin under control using products from the ZO Skin Health range of skin care. This blog at a glance – Acne Prone Skin – We all hate it. What causes it? What do […]

What you need to know about reversing fillers and the interesting reason why Kylie Jenner dissolved hers. Kylie Jenner is reported to have recently had her lip fillers dissolved. The world’s most marketed lips have long been associated with filler treatments so this begs two questions: Why and how would you dissolve lip filler? issolve […]

Chemical peels or acid peels are known go-to treatments for anti ageing however they have a huge range of benefits for all ages. Skin Peels with AHAs (Acids) are excellent for the majority of skin conditions and types.   Can Acne Be Treated With Skin Peels? Skin peels can be used with different strengths and […]

Acne can cost you at more than just money. Consistently buying different products from the chemist that show no lasting results, acne needs a dedicated skin routine that takes time to show true results. Here’s our top 5 products for acne, spot prone or congested skin.   Cleanse   Every skin routine should start with […]

CoolSculpting (Fat freezing or cryolipolysis) is fast becoming a very popular treatment in Ireland.  Popular in the US since 2008 cryolipolysis is still relatively new in Ireland and people tend to have a lot of questions. To help people make decisions we’ve come up with a list of our most common questions asked by our […]

For years cosmetic makeup and beauty ads have shown us that dry skin is old skin; we need moisturisers. This conditioning over the decades has led to a reliance on moisturisers that has damaged our skin leaving it unable to produce its own moisture.   Though removing pores is not a new ideal the rise […]


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