Stop ‘booking 3 areas’. You should be booking a full assessment.
Figuring out what treatment you need can be very difficult and confusing. Especially if you’ve never had treatment before. At Amara, we understand this and want to make it as simple as possible for you. We all want to achieve our best potential in terms of our appearance.
Isn’t that’s why (most of us!) brush our teeth, visit the dentist and comb our hair? We all want to look our best and there is nothing wrong with that. None of us want to get older and we all want to slow the aging process down as much as possible without doing anything crazy. But I think what scares us all the most about cosmetic procedures is falling into the all too common booby trap of looking worse than had you left well alone. at Amara, our doctors have the experience and knowledge to avoid the horror stories we’ve all seen in the world of celebrity cosmetic treatments.
first course of action
when someone has decided to begin their skin journey the first step is to have a full and thorough consultation with one of our doctors. This consultation is a 45 to 60 minutes assessments of everything from your skin, lines and wrinkles, facial shape and fat deposits. we take photos from multiple angles and we take photos with different important movements. This process might sound scary but our photos assessment is a safe space. Looking through these pictures is much
easier and more productive than simply looking at a mirror and allows doctors and patients to be objective about what is important, What can to be improved. And most importantly, what doesnt need work..
First steps involve a photo series taken as part of our your full assessment.
A marathon not a sprint.
As ageing happens slowly we believe that anti-aging should be slow too. We see no reason why aging should be fixed in a hurry. The process of slowing down ageing with facial aesthetic treatments, Botox and dermal fillers and skin rejuvenation is a marathon not a sprint
Your skin needs a little of everything, often, and early!
We recommend very small amounts of Botox, fillers, skin boosters, prescription creams, skin resurface treatments is the key to long lasting skin rejuvenation. We understand its scary and can take this at your own pace.
One thing that still amazes me is how different patients facial requirements are. For example the amount needed to soften frown lines in between the eyebrows for one patient could be as little as 4 units. For another patient to get the same result they could need up to 50 units! thats more than 10 times more. It is so important to start small, to take detailed notes and pictures and to check back often to make sure what you want to happen is happening. This takes time but there is no better way to do it.
we record every treatment, doses used, photo record of how the muscles move, so that we can customize the treatment to suit exactly what your face needs to remain natural and functional ( a normal face moves!)
Dipping your toe
We understand that trusting somebody to change your face is difficult. Most of us wouldn’t let a stranger choose our wardrobe. So how in the world could we be expected to trust someone, even a doctor to choose how to alter our faces!? We’ve seen what happens to celebs when they trusted the ‘best’ doctors!
The trick is getting very small amounts and getting the recommendation and experienced and ethical professionals. Usually, patients have a checklist of issues that they would like to resolve
let’s start imagining it’s best to focus on the patient and the doctor the most important issue
and then stop at the next assessment. A month later, we can see exactly how well this has worked and then we can fine tune it. The goal is to slightly undertreat initially.
Once every 3 months
Then we do nothing. enjoy the results, forget you had treatment done. The next time treatment is required, whether that’s three months later for Botox or whether that’s one year later. We will repeat what worked and see how we can do better. As easy as it is to do what worked, sticking to the same treatment for 10 years and not adjusting with time is almost as bad as doing too much.
Believe it or not with most faces, there are probably 5-10 different treatments that could be done to improve the face. The difference between a good and a bad clinic is that in many places, unfortunately, the primary goal is to sell the latest machine or most profitable treatment.
At Amara our goal is to perform the assessment in such a way that the checklist of things we could do, the things we want to do and things we should do are prioritised in order of things that will make the biggest difference, both to your appearance and to your confidence.
the first step is booking your appointment come see what we can do for you.
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